Unread chat notifications
Live Helper Chat offers two types of notifications to inform visitors about unread messages from an operator:
- Email notifications
- Browser notifications
Email Notifications
Enable notifications in the chat configuration:
System configuration -> Live help configuration -> Chat configuration -> Workflow
inInform visitor about unread messages from operator, value in minutes. 0 - disabled
.The workflow cron job must be set up.
When is an Email Sent?
During workflow execution, the system identifies chats that meet the following criteria:
- More than 1 minute has passed since the last operator message.
- The chat has a flag indicating unread operator messages.
- The chat messages have not yet been delivered to the visitor.
- You can check the database for specific chat attributes if emails are not being received.
- The visitor's email address is known.
- Visitor-side conditions:
- The visitor has closed the widget.
- The visitor is not actively receiving messages.
- If the visitor has minimized the widget, synchronization calls are still in progress!
- Ensure your server is configured to send emails.
array('limit' => 10, 'filterlt' => array('last_op_msg_time' => (time() - (1*60))), 'filter' => array('has_unread_op_messages' => 1, 'unread_op_messages_informed' => 0));
- Before running the workflow cron job, verify that the chat has the required attributes.
- Check your server's mail settings.
Browser Notifications