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Synchronization and sound settings


This section is dedicated for advanced users who want's to play around with synchronization and sound settings.


How many seconds for a user to be considered as being online

It tells how long operator should be considered online after last his activity in back office. E.g if operator just turn's off a computer without logging out. We will wait 5 minutes before considering him being offline.

Sync for new chats, interval in seconds

It tells how ofter we should check for new chats.

Check for messages from the operators, interval in seconds

This tells how ofter we should check for proactive invitation messages from operator in website.

Preload previous chat messages on chat open

If visitor had previously chatted we can preload his previous chat messages.

Sync for a new user message, interval in seconds

It tells how often check for messages from visitor/operator during chat session.

Show browser notification for new messages

You can also if you want enable browser notifications for new messages. By default notifications are shown only for new chats, but not messages.

Long polling (experimental)

This will be removed in next release. So do not touch it :)

Play a new pending chat sound on a new chat request

This is default setting for the operator who just logged first time.

Play a sound on a new message for a back office user

This is default setting for the operator who just logged first time.

Play a sound on a new message for a front end user

This is default setting for website visitor who just started a chat.

Show alert message on a new chat request

By default we show browser notification for transferred chats to operator. If you want interrupt more operator you can enable this section.


Permission required to configure these settings.
