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Need Help Tooltip Configuration

By default, the "Need Help" tooltip is enabled. You can disable it in:

Configuration -> Chat configuration -> Online Tracking -> "Show need help tooltip?"

New Widget

The appearance of the new widget can be customized using themes.

Need help tooltip

Old Widget

You can also set a timeout to control how often the tooltip is shown to the same user. This tooltip is highly configurable, and you can change the photo, main title, and subtitle using embed options.

Styling the Widget from the Back Office

You can style the widget's appearance from the back office by creating a theme.

The options below are for advanced users who require custom solutions.

Removing the Photo

LHCChatOptions.opt = {widget_width:320, nh_image: false};

Using a Different Photo

LHCChatOptions.opt = {widget_width:320, nh_image: 'url to image'};

Removing the Subtitle

LHCChatOptions.opt = {widget_width:320, nh_sub_title_text: ''};

Changing the Title and Subtitle

LHCChatOptions.opt = {widget_width:320, nh_title_text: 'My main title', nh_sub_title_text: 'My subtitle'};

All these options can be combined.

Changing the Background Color of the Tooltip

Add the following CSS to your site's stylesheet:

#lhc_need_help_container {
background: red !important;

Troubleshooting: Tooltip Not Visible

  • Try opening the window in incognito mode to rule out caching issues.
  • The invitation won't appear for 24 hours after a chat has started.
  • Ensure that you have enabled the Need Help tooltip.
  • Verify that the timeout value is greater than 0.
  • If you are using themes, ensure that you have not disabled the tooltip accidentally.
  • If you are using the fresh: true JavaScript option, cookies are not saved, so the "Need Help" tooltip will not function.

Changing the General Tooltip Style