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Summarize With AI

Here is a quick way you can have a chat summary after the chat has ended. It will summarize only if the following conditions were met

  • We should pass visitors and operators messages only.
  • Only chats with operators assigned.
  • There should be at-least one visitor message after a chat was accepted.

We will need few things

  • Listen on chat.close event
  • Define Rest API call
  • Create a bot with and trigger which will call Rest API
  • After you are happy how it works you can uncheck Log all request and their responses as system messages.

In this scenario, we will use ChatGPT as a sample. But any Chat completion api would work.

Define Rest API call

  • Download and import Rest API from here
  • Enter your API in Rest API => Authorization section.
  • At the moment it uses {{msg_all_since_transfer_content_date_nick}} variable if you have an older version you can use just {{msg_all_since_transfer_content}}
  • You can also adjus system message in Body section.

Bot setup

  • Import bot from here and choose just imported Rest API.

Webhook setup

Webhook will define that on chat close we will execute this trigger. Just setup as in screnshot below.

Summarize With AI

If you did everything correctly, you should see a summary after the chat has ended as a system message.