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DeepPavlov as FAQ Server

To integrate DeepPavlov with Live Helper Chat, you'll need the following:

  • A running DeepPavlov API.
  • A configured REST API in Live Helper Chat.
  • A configured bot in LHC.

Running DeepPavlov

Here's a quick guide on how to run DeepPavlov:

git clone
cd faq-deeppavlov
# You can edit `Dockerfiles/deep/train/file.csv` and add your data.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

To run DeepPavlov as a service:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

You can test the DeepPavlov API using curl commands:

curl -i http://localhost:5005

curl -X POST "http://localhost:5000/model" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"q\":[\"how old are you?\"]}"

# Response
[[["very young?."],[0.0023965203802132793,0.0011658039174728067,0.0008657494625574156,0.0005414606203846541,0.0007059206448602602,0.0008255833104981557,0.0005902784679946099,0.0027601158497330015,0.0007642232438947259,0.0004863716305588563,0.0003268471415419398,0.0014544600835888503,0.0004896593450576205,0.9866270059016439],[13]]]

Configuring the DeepPavlov API in Live Helper Chat

Create a new Rest API by navigating to:

System configuration > Live help configuration > Rest API Calls

Create a new REST API with the following configuration:

Set the body request as JSON and configure the content.

Configure the Output parsing:

Save the configuration.

Configuring a Bot in Live Helper Chat

For bot configuration, you need three triggers:

  • Default: This trigger should have the Default and Default for unknown message options checked.
  • Message received: This trigger should contain the message text with the content {content_1}.
  • Unknown: This trigger will send a message if Rasa (should be DeepPavlov) doesn't return anything.

Default trigger configuration:

Message received configuration:

Unknown message configuration:

Conversation example:

Important: Remember to set your bot as the default department bot.