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Check for conditions to proceed

This trigger allows to have custom conditions to be checked before rest of the triggers can be processed.

One of the few possible scenarios can be

Attribute supported placeholders

Attribute supports these placeholders

  • lhc.<main chat attribute> E.g, lhc.nick, etc. See swagger for all attributes.
  • <identifier> - this can be either custom attribute Field identifier or just array key from chat_variables
  • <chat_variable> - identical to {<variable_key>} It can be set using Update current chat response response type
    So if you set variable bot_touched in attribute field you can use either bot_touched or {}
  • {<main chat attr>} or {args.msg.msg} you can use text matching for visitor message.
  • online_department use as attribute to check is department online (respects department online hours and operators online statuses). In value field 1 means online, 0 - means offline
  • online_op_department use as attribute to check is department online (ignores department online hours) and checks only for operators. In value field 1 means online, 0 - means offline
  • online_department_hours use as attribute to check is department online by online hours settings (ignores ignores operators statuses). In value field 1 means online, 0 - means offline
  • siteaccess you can use this attribute to check what siteaccess visitor is on and execute appropriate trigger. E.g if you want different response by language. eng,lit list of default siteacess
  • chat_files check does chat has files
    • chat_files > 0 - chat has files
    • chat_files contains pdf,jpg - chat has pdf or jpg
  • operator_files same checks as chat_files except only for operator files
  • user_files same checks as chat_files except only for visitor files
  • {validation_event__<event_name>} E.g {validation_event__my_event_validator} event with my_event_validator will be dispatched and result afterwards compared with expected output. my_event_validator = 1
  • {{}} > 0 and use that condition to check did visitor had chat before with you.

If you do not enter Value means it's empty.


  • so != <empty> as in screenshot. Means I'm checking that e-mail would not be an empty string.
  • {args.msg.msg} I'm expecting message to contain one of the words dispute, chargeback, refund{2}, money back, contact bank. Refund word can have two typos.

How to validate {validation_event__<event_name>}

class erLhcoreClassExtensionValidateevent

public $configData = false;

public function __construct()


public function run()
$dispatcher = erLhcoreClassChatEventDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->listen('chat.genericbot_event_handler', 'erLhcoreClassExtensionValidateevent::genericEventHandler');

public static function genericEventHandler($params)
if ($params['render'] == 'my_event_validator') {
return array(
'status' => erLhcoreClassChatEventDispatcher::STOP_WORKFLOW,
'validation_result' => 1

Value supported placeholders

Value supports only {args. type placeholders. E.g {args.msg.msg} or {<variable>}

How do I check visitor message with internally stored chat variable?

Example condition can look like

How do I execute triggers based on visitor priority

Let say we want to transfer players with player class VIP to operator and others keep with a bot.

We have defined custom chat variables

if (typeof lhc_var === 'undefined') { // This variable has to be defined before Live Helper Chat embed script.
window.lhc_var = {}; // Window is required to define variable in global scope

lhc_var.playerClass = 'VIP';

Next we have default trigger with this check

It means if player is VIP class trigger VIP will be executed, if not NonVIP trigger will be executed.

Collect all information and write information was collected.

Main trigger can look like this.

And each collecting information step can look like this

Allow to execute rest of the triggers only if e-mail is not empty

In this example we forward to e-mail collecting workflow if visitor e-mail is empty.

How to add custom icon if visitor writes some message containing specific text?

For that we will need

Trigger setup can look like

Webhook setup can look like

How to execute bottom triggers if conditions is matched

There is two scenarios

If you are using If conditions are met execute this trigger

  • {} = 31 We want to execute only if department id is 31.
  • check If conditions are matched continue executing responses. This is required if you are using If conditions are met execute this trigger

If you are not using If conditions are met execute this trigger

  • Condition changes to {} != 31 We want to execute only if department id is 31. This time it's reverse