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Secret hash

Since version 3.97, the secret hash was too weak for modern security purposes. If you have an existing installation, I suggest changing it to a string of at least 50 characters. 80 characters is recommended, and the string should include special characters.

Trusted hosts and Site address

In version 3.97, there are a few new settings. If you are missing them, you can add them to your settings/settings.ini.php file under the site section.

'site_address' => '',
'trusted_host_patterns' => [
'^demo\.livehelperchat\.com$', // Explicit domain
'^.+\.livehelperchat\.com$', // Any subdomain

Location in default configuration

Export hash

As with secrethash, the same situation applies to the Export hash.

The Export hash can be changed in:

System configuration > Live Help configuration > Chat configuration > Misc > Chats export secret hash

Set it to a length of at least 50 characters.