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How to Override Modules

To override modules, you need to create an extension. If you see a URL address like chat/startchat, there's a high probability (99%) that the relevant module file is located in:


To override this module, your extension should have the following structure:

extension/customstatus/modules/lhchat/module.php extension/customstatus/modules/lhchat/startchat.php

The module.php file should contain the following:

$Module = array( "name" => "Start chat override");
$ViewList = array();

$ViewList['startchat'] = array(
'script' => 'startchat.php',
'params' => array()

The startchat.php file can be copied from modules/lhchat/startchat.php. I suggest reviewing the customstatus extension as an example. It includes an overridden user/login file.