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Execute bot after chat was transferred to other department, because chat stayed to long in pending state of original department.

Our goal here is

  • To have Bot A in Department A
  • Bot A has trigger which sets chat to pending state
  • Department A has configured that if chat is not accepted in 30 seconds transfer chat to Department B
  • Department B has Bot B
  • After transfer, we should put chat back to bot status and execute Bot B trigger


  • Minimum 4.16v
  • Cronjob setup described here
    • It will allow to execute transfer between departments even if visitor left a chat.
    • This is required also with third party integrations

How it works

  • Transfer between departments happens only if chat is in pending state
  • After transfer happens we have to listen to chat.data_changed_assigned_department and adjust chat attributes accordingly
    • Change chat bot_id attribute
    • Set chat status to bot chat
  • It also makes sense to check in incoming webhook configuration -> Chat should be reset to default department. Bot also will be set to default. so if chat was closed it will start in original Department A with original bot.

Transfer event

Trigger configuration

Transfer happened

Department A configuration to transfer chat to Department B

Transfer happened