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Form can work as standalone module or also can be integrated into a new widget. Minimum Live Helper Chat version - 3.64v

What for is it?

Forms module solves the following problems

  • You need a complex forms?
  • It has to implemented fast?
  • You need export in xls?
  • Users should be able to attatch a file?
  • You want to embed it in your site directly or have separate url for it?
  • Want to have order form for some of your simple services?
  • This custom forms module allows to do it all.

Form field options

Form fields types

  • text
  • type
  • number
  • month
  • year
  • file
  • email
  • checkbox
  • combobox
  • text - field type

If we detect that all fields are modifying only chat we will store filled form as a filled form record.

Form fields can be defined either in standard pattern

[[input||type=text||name=Name||name_literal=Name||placeholder=Your name||required=required||value=Same value]]



Text field option

[[input||type=text||name=Name||name_literal=Name||placeholder=Your name||required=required||value=Same value]]
  • input - general form type [required]
  • type=text - general input type [required]
  • name=Name - system field name [required]
  • name_literal=Name - litearal form field name, used in validation error [required]
  • placeholder=Your name - placeholder for text field [optional]
  • required=required - is field required. [optional]
  • value=Some value - default field value [optional]
  • - any first level chat attribute to store value into
  • chat_additional={"identifier":"attribute_name","key":"Attribute Name"} - store value in additional data attribute
  • chat_attr=chat_variable.user_group - store variable as in chat_variable attributes
  • validation_rule - you can put full preg_match rule for a custom validation validation_rule=/^.{5,}+$/is requires 5 characters minimum


month - generates combobox from 1 till 12 month.



year - generates year combobox

[[input||type=year||from=1911||name=BirthYear||name_literal=Birth year||required=required]]

Additional options

from - from which year to generate [required] till - till which year to generate [optional]


number - requires value to be a number

[[input||type=number||name=MobilePhone||name_literal=Mobile phone||required=required||placeholder=Phone number||]]


email - requires submitted value to be a valid e-mail address


checkbox - checkbox type. If you wish it be preselected by default you can pass like [[input||type=checkbox||name=Ambulant||name_literal=Ambulant||value=checked]]

Checkbox will be in chat scope so it's value won't be stored unless you put chat_attr or chat_additional attributes

Will be saved in completed form record

<label>[[input||type=checkbox||name=CheckboxGender||name_literal=Acceptance||required=required]] I can confirm the document I have attached is an up to date copy of my proof of disability </label>

Won't be saved only it's requirements will be checked

<label>[[input||type=checkbox||name=CheckboxGender||name_literal=Acceptance||required=required||scope=chat]] I can confirm the document I have attached is an up to date copy of my proof of disability</label>

Generate dropdown and require to choose an option

  • First option is repeated as default, it won't be considered as a filled form.
  • We save chosen option in chat variable user_group variable.
[[combobox||options=Choose a group#first option#second option||name=BirthDay||name_literal=Group||required=required||default=Choose a group||chat_attr=chat_variable.user_group]]

To save in the form record

[[combobox||name=DisabilityDay||name_literal=Day||required=required||options=First option#Second option]]


  • file save as a file. If you set scope to chat, file will be associated with a chat and system message will be saved within chat.
[[input||type=file||name=file||required=required||name_literal=Proof document||scope=chat]]

How do I know from what page form was filled?

Just pass additional variable to form "?identifier=<any_value>"


There is two URLs which can be used

  • Widget
  • Full page layout -

Widget integration should always use first one.

Integration into a new widget

Forms can be called either from website either form pre-chat html

Integration from a website

Form in the widget can be called from website itself by executing this URL.

You have to provide full url to a form

window.$_LHC.eventListener.emitEvent('sendChildExtEvent',[{'cmd':'modal_ext','arg':{'url' : ''}}]);

Integration from a pre-chat HTML

HTML in pre-chat can look like

<button class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary" onclick="window.lhcHelperfunctions.emitEvent('extensionExecute',['modal_ext',[{'url':''}]])">Show form</button>

How do I show a form using chat command?

One of usefull option is to show a form while chat is going.

This can be done by using command. There is 3 seconds delay between message is shown and form is shown.

!modal <form_id> <explain text>


With form ID 1 and explain text

!modal 1 We are baking form for you!

With form ID 1 and without explain. Default text will be used We will show a form in a moment!

!modal 1

With custom form URL where URL can be any URL


How do I show a form from a bot?

Your trigger can look like this

  • Script identifier modal_ext
  • Arguments {"delay":3,"url":""}

How do I have my own submit button in a form?

Live helper chat is checking does your form HTML has name="SubmitForm" string. If it's found we do not render our own submit button.

<input type="submit" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" value="Submit" name="SubmitForm" />

How do I have my own close button after form is submitted?

You can have something like that. We are checking does your HTML contains name="ReturnButton" if it does not. We will render our own return button.

<p>Thank you for your feedback</p>

<input type="button" onclick="closeModal()" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" value="Close" name="ReturnButton" />

function closeModal() {
// You can execute trigger also on form close
// Trigger has to have checked 'Can be passed as argument'
// parent.postMessage('lhc_trigger_click:1306', '*');
parent.postMessage('lhc_load_ext:modal_ext::[{"url":"sd","cmd":"close"}]', '*');

How do I close form from a form page?

Sample button which closes a form

<input type="button" onclick="closeModal()" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" value="Close" name="Close" />

or at the top of form HTML something like this can be shown

<button type="button" onclick="closeModal()" class="close float-right" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>

Javascript function itself should look like this

function closeModal() {
// You can execute trigger also on form close
// Trigger has to have checked 'Can be passed as argument'
// parent.postMessage('lhc_trigger_click:1306', '*');
parent.postMessage('lhc_load_ext:modal_ext::[{"cmd":"close"}]', '*');

How do I pass custom variables

Same way as you are passing variables to a widget

If you are integrating form into a widget it will automatically will pickup passed variables, and you do not need to construct them manually.

I would recommend passing jsvar[5] where key is additional chat variable id

Additionally, you can also pass them directly by constructing arguments via URL[]=Bet%20ID&encattr[]=f&value[]=bet_id&type[]=text&size[]=6
&req[]=t&sh[]=b&name[]=Transaction%20ID&encattr[]=f &value[]=&type[]=text&size[]=6&req[]=f&sh[]=b&name[]=Bet%20ID%202&encattr[]=f&value[]=bet_id%202
&type[]=hidden&size[]=0&req[]=f&sh[]=b &name[]=Transaction%20ID%202&encattr[]=f&value[]=&type[]=text&size[]=12&req[]=f&sh[]=on

Sample HTML chat modifying form

<button type="button" onclick="closeModal();" class="close float-right" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>

<div class="form-group">

<div class="form-group">

<div class="form-group">
[[input||type=text||name=Name||name_literal=Name||placeholder=Your name||required=required||chat_attr=chat.nick||validation_rule=/^.{5,}+$/is]]

<div class="form-group">

<div class="form-group">
[[input||type=number||name=MobilePhone||name_literal=Mobile phone||required=required||placeholder=Phone number||]]

<div class="form-group">
[[input||type=text||name=Gender||name_literal=Gender||required=required||placeholder=Gender||chat_additional={"identifier":"attribute_name","key":"Attribute Name"}]]

<div class="form-group">
[[combobox||options=Choose a group#first option#second option||name=BirthDay||name_literal=Group||required=required||default=Choose a group||chat_attr=chat_variable.user_group]]

<div class="form-group">
[[input||type=file||name=file||required=required||name_literal=Proof document||scope=chat]]

<label>[[input||type=checkbox||name=CheckboxGender||name_literal=Acceptance||required=required||scope=chat]] I can confirm the document I have attached is an up to date copy of my proof of disability </label>

<div class="pb-1">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" value="Submit" name="SubmitForm" />
<input type="button" onclick="closeModal()" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" value="Close" name="Close" />

function closeModal(){
// You can execute trigger also on form close
// Trigger has to have checked 'Can be passed as argument'
// parent.postMessage('lhc_trigger_click:1306', '*');
parent.postMessage('lhc_load_ext:modal_ext::[{"url":"sd","cmd":"close"}]', '*');

Sample HTML internal form collecting


<button type="button" onclick="closeModal();" class="close float-right" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>


<div class="row">
<div class="col-6">
[[input||type=text||name=Name||name_literal=Name||placeholder=Your name||required=required]]
<div class="col-6">
[[input||type=text||name=Surname||name_literal=Surname||placeholder=Your surname||required=required]]
<div class="col-12">
<label>Supporter Number</label>
[[input||type=number||name=SupporterNumber||name_literal=Supporter number]]
<div class="col-6">
<label>Date of birth*</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-4">[[combobox||from=1||till=31||name=BirthDay||name_literal=Birth Day||required=required]]</div>
<div class="col-4">[[input||type=month||name=BirthMonth||name_literal=Month||required=required]]</div>
<div class="col-4">[[input||type=year||from=1911||name=BirthYear||name_literal=Birth year||required=required]]</div>
<div class="col-12">
<div class="col-6">
<label>Home phone*</label>
[[input||type=number||name=HomePhone||name_literal=Home phone||required=required]]
<div class="col-6">
[[input||type=number||name=MobilePhone||name_literal=Mobile phone||required=required]]

<div class="row">
<div class="col-8">
<label>1st Line of Address*</label>
[[input||type=text||name=LineOfAddress||name_literal=1st Line of Address||required=required]]

<div class="col-4">
<label>Post code*</label>
[[input||type=text||name=PostCode||name_literal=Post code||required=required]]

<label>Wheelchair [[input||type=checkbox||name=Wheelchair||name_literal=Check box name litearal]]</label>
<label>Ambulant [[input||type=checkbox||name=Ambulant||name_literal=Ambulant]]</label>

<h5>Proof Of Disability</h5>
<label>Date on Proof*</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-4">[[combobox||from=1||till=31||name=DisabilityDay||name_literal=Day||required=required]]</div>
<div class="col-4">[[input||type=month||name=DisabilityMonth||name_literal=Month||required=required]]</div>
<div class="col-4">[[input||type=year||from=1911||name=DisabilityYear||name_literal=Year||required=required]]</div>

<label>Attatch Proof document* (zip,doc,docx,pdf,xls,xlsx,jpg,jpeg,png,bmp,rar,7z)</label>
[[input||type=file||name=file||required=required||name_literal=Proof doucument]]

[[input||type=textarea||name=Message||name_literal=Message||placeholder=Message here goes||value=]]

<label>[[input||type=checkbox||name=CheckboxGender||name_literal=Acceptance||required=required]] I can confirm the document I have attatched is an up to date copy of my proof of disability </label>

<div class="pb-1">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" value="Submit" name="SubmitForm" />

<input type="button" onclick="closeModal()" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" value="Close" name="Close" />

function closeModal(){
parent.postMessage('lhc_load_ext:modal_ext::[{"url":"sd","cmd":"close"}]', '*');

Post content

<p>Thank you for your feedback</p>

<input type="button" onclick="closeModal()" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" value="Close" name="ReturnButton" />

function closeModal() {
// You can execute trigger also on form close
// Trigger has to have checked 'Can be passed as argument'
// parent.postMessage('lhc_trigger_click:1306', '*');
parent.postMessage('lhc_load_ext:modal_ext::[{"url":"sd","cmd":"close"}]', '*');

